As I thought through the many different titles one could chose, I kept coming back to 'hands to the spindle.' (from Proverbs 31:19) A part of me was apprehensive in that it may come across as unfamiliar and somewhat vague. However the more I considered its meaning and reference, the more I appreciated its depth. 'Hands to the Spindle' not only reminds me of my hope and desire for a peaceful and productive home, it is representative of a season in my life where hard work has been of the essence. A spindle is the functional apparatus in the spinning process of thread. Women back in the day would spin their own thread and yarn to weave material and clothe their family. In my mind, this couldn't have been an easy task, nor one that was instantly gratifying. I imagine this to be a slow, methodical process by which time, patience and consistency is required. I can also imagine mothers teaching their children this essential process...again, time and patience being required in teaching young ones a new task.
As I continue my story over time and share my life's journey then & now, I hope that what it means to lay one's hands to the spindle will resonate with you a deeper understanding of what it means to dedicate yourself to the task at be diligent with the mundane of life's know that by doing so you are participating in the bigger picture of life...
"William-adolphe bouguereau the spinner" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Art Renewal Center Museum, image 68