Sunday, April 24, 2016

Is the grass greener on the other side?....((well it is here in Normandy, literally!!))

**This blog is a space for self-reflection, conversation and sharing life stories....if you're interested in receiving the ElrodFamily Newsletter please email me directly and I will add you to our email list as our Newsletter is not publicly posted.  

   I recently heard someone state the familiar expression: 
"the grass is always greener on the other side"  
It is true that people will often assert that their circumstances leave much to be desired...therefore: somewhere else, or someone else, or simply 'anywhere but here' mentality will often feel quite attractive and comforting at the time.  Unfortunately, (or perhaps fortunately....depending on one's assessment),
wherever you go....there you will find yourself.  
I heard this expression for the first time many years ago, and I've revisited this phrase many times since, as it has shaped and challenged my individual perspective and growth. I remember being in a distressing, discomforting season of life when all I wanted was to run away...somewhere else...I guess one could say I was suffering from the debilitating affects of the mental entrapment 'anywhere is better than HERE.'  I will never forget the hopeless feeling I had when after sharing my ridiculous, fanciful plan of running away from home, a dear friend laughingly replied, "well, wherever you go...there you'll be."  
I soon came to grips with the fact that the discomfort I was feeling was not induced by anything or anyone other than myself.  The grass may appear greener somewhere else....and I will certainly not discount the fact that in many cases changing circumstances can be beneficial in the long run for any number of reasons....What I'm attempting to share here is the reality check that ascertaining the 'anywhere but here' desires and how that can shape one's perception.  In my humble opinion, it takes a great deal of courage to look at where you stand....take a deep breath, and decide to make the grass green right where you are. 

photo  taken in Normandie, FR by Ami Elrod

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